Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Islamic banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Islamic banking - Essay Example The authorship would remain anonymous. (4) I agree to my Project being submitted to a plagiarism detection service, where it will be stored in a database and compared against work submitted from this or any other School or from other institutions using the service. In the event of the service detecting a high degree of similarity between content within the service this will be reported back to my supervisor and second marker, who may decide to undertake further investigation which may ultimately lead to disciplinary actions, should instances of plagiarism be detected. (5) I have read the University Policy Statement on Ethics in Research and Consultancy and the Policy for Informed Consent in Research and Consultancy and I declare that ethical issues have been considered and taken into account in this research. People should be flexible enough to learn new things and this is the only key of trying new things. People, who tend to learn and try new things, bring all significant and productive change in environment. That can only save the world from repeating past mistake in future. People learn and try things in their own way and styles. VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic learning styles. The literature review highlights the nature of Islamic Banking, showing it to be more moral and justice based as against the misconception of it being religion based. This by itself augurs well for world communities that have been cheated of their investments through high risk securities that were based on speculation rather than healthy investments. The research carried out, though limited in nature, also points to the fact that due to its sharing of risk methods and high collaterals, the Islamic Banking system may be restrictive in a sense, yet it offers means of consolidations of investments as against throwing it away in speculative practices. Therefore, I really

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